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Tag: multiculturality

Where are we now? -seminar about diversity in Finnish art sector 16.11.2017 at Koko Theatre, Helsinki

Where are we now? -seminar about diversity in Finnish art sector 16.11.2017 at Koko Theatre, Helsinki

Welcome to the WHERE ARE WE NOW? seminar on Thursday 16.11.2017 at 9.30-15.30 in KokoTeatteri (Hämeentie 3, 00530 Helsinki) The seminar, organized in collaboration with Globe Art Point and Taike (Arts Promotion Centre) 
pursues a better understanding and awareness of our diversity inside the art and culture fields in Finland and by using a more horizontal approach, explores integration vs. accessibility and structural forms of exclusion. Seminar language will be English. Please registrate latest in 14.11.2017: Program 9.30 Registration and…

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How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis

How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis

The reports look at how arts and culture can bring people together and increase their participation in society. The report provides recommendations for cultural policy makers and for cultural organisations structured around three key themes: empowerment, intersectoral and evaluation. Key themes The report examines how empowerment can pave the way to equal opportunities and participation in social and cultural life. It emphasises avoiding framing migrants and refugees as collective identities, advising instead that we consider all people as individuals with voices that have the right to be heard….

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