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Tag: Finland

OPEN CALL for a Blog Article

OPEN CALL for a Blog Article

Would you be interested in writing an article about your life as a foreign-born artist or cultural worker in Finland, during the Coronavirus outbreak? How has the pandemic affected your livelihood and/or your environment? Globe Art Point selects and publishes four blog contributions during April and May 2020. The blogs will be published on 150 euros will be paid for each published article. The recommended length of the article is 500 to 1500 words. Please send the proposed article…

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 “We live longer but less precisely and in shorter sentences …” These lines are picked from “Tutaj” (Here), a painfully beautiful dialogue between two great souls who are not with us anymore: the Nobel Prize-winning poet Wisława Szymborska (1923–2012) and the extraordinary trumpeter Tomasz Stańko (1942–2018). The stunning trumpet improvisations in response to the poet’s reading makes this live-recorded poetry and jazz combination a treasure and reminds us that at the end of the day what stays in our hearts…

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Multiculturalism and nationalism in Finland by Pasi Saukkonen

Multiculturalism and nationalism in Finland by Pasi Saukkonen

DiscussionsMulticulturalism and nationalism in Finlandby Pasi Saukkonen IntroductionAll societies are diverse, and one of the tasks of the state is to organize this heterogeneity. In this essay, I will analyze the last 200 years of the history of Finland from the point of view of managing ethnic, linguistic and cultural plurality. The story starts from the nation-building process in the 19th century and it ends with a discussion about contemporary and future challenges in finding the right balance between rights…

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Moni osaa! : työpaikkaosaaminen monikulttuurisilla työpaikoilla (Many can! – Workplace skills in a multicultural workplace)

Moni osaa! : työpaikkaosaaminen monikulttuurisilla työpaikoilla (Many can! – Workplace skills in a multicultural workplace)

TYÖPAIKKAOSAAMINEN MONIKULTTUURISILLA TYÖPAIKOILLA Minna Toivanen, Ari Väänänen, Anna-Leena Kurki, Barbara Bergbom & Auli Airila (toim.) Työterveyslaitos Helsinki   © 2018 Työterveyslaitos ja kirjoittajat ISBN 978-952-261-803-0 (PDF)   ABSTRACT According to many studies, it is difficult for immigrants to get jobs that match their education and qualifications, and their skills are not properly utilized at Finnish workplaces. On the other hand, the skills of immigrants might be quite different from the skills required by employers. Whose skills are not utilized, and…

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The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland by Artists’ Association of Finland

The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland by Artists’ Association of Finland

The Handbook of the Percent for Art Principle in Finland  is a practical handbook for both commissioners and artists interested in art. The Handbook for Commissioners is a practical handbook for all developers, such as municipal decision-makers, planners, architects and construction companies interested in art. The handbook explains the most common art funding and commissioning models in Finland. The Handbook for Artists is a practical guide for visual artists who wish to make public art. The handbook takes the reader through the…

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Freelancer Guide for Immigrants by

Freelancer Guide for Immigrants by

FREELANCER GUIDE FOR IMMIGRANTS BY UKKO.FI   “Finding work in Finland is not always easy or straigtforward, and the same applies to working itself. There are numerous ways of doing things and in order to make it, one must find Access to all the silent information out there. When you’re an immigrant dealing with Tax Administration, TE-office and Kela, this information might not always be directly at your reach. To make it easier for immigrants to find their way in…

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KulttuuriVOS theses and funding principles

KulttuuriVOS theses and funding principles

In this publication Sitra presents an overview of the current state of Finland’s cultural sector, the changes needed, the objective aimed at as well as the financing methods that would support these objectives. The overview is broken down into eight theses and four funding principles. These eight theses include the key topics that the funding reforms, or other measures, can and should influence. Publication details: Title KulttuuriVOS theses and funding principles Subtitle Phase 1 of the funding reform for the…

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Suomi, jonka haluamme 2050 ─ The Finland we want by 2050

Suomi, jonka haluamme 2050 ─ The Finland we want by 2050

Suomi, jonka haluamme 2050 ─ Kestävän kehityksen yhteiskuntasitoumus Visio: Luonnon kantokyvyn turvaava, hyvinvoiva ja globaalisti vastuullinen Suomi. “Suomessa jokainen ihminen on arvokas ja tasa-arvoinen yhteiskunnan jäsen. Suomi on osaava hyvinvointiyhteiskunta, joka uudistuu joustavasti maailman muutosten myötä. Kestävän talouden ja työllisyyden turvaaminen mahdollistavat hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan edelleen kehittämisen. Luomme yhdessä perustan ja edellytykset kaikkien kansalaisten, yhteisöjen ja yritysten kestävälle toiminnalle. Luonnon kantokykyä ei ylitetä ja luonnonvaroja käytetään kestävällä tavalla. Suomi edistää rauhaa, tasa-arvoa, yhdenvertaisuutta ja oikeudenmukaisuutta kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti.” lue täältä The Finland…

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Multiculturalism and Cultural Policy in Northern Europe

Multiculturalism and Cultural Policy in Northern Europe

The purpose of this article is to examine multiculturalist cultural policies in northern Europe. Almost all societies are multicultural in the sense that they contain two or more languages or religions, and people there live according to many value systems and traditions. Few countries, however, can be labeled as ideologically multiculturalist societies. This multiculturalism implies a positive or at least a neutral government attitude towards cultural diversity, public support for the maintenance of cultural practices and identities, and public efforts…

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