GAP LAB is a program enhancing artistic collaboration between Finnish and non-Finnish-born artists as well as with Finnish art and culture institutions.

GAP LAB is a triangular initiative that brings together international artists, Finnish artists, and Finland-based institutions. The project aims to foster new connections, provide valuable field experience, and offer insights into the practical operations of local institutions.

As GAP LAB is funding-dependent, it is not a regular activity organised by Globe Art Point for its members. The programme’s structure is straightforward:

  1. Partner Selection: An institutional partner is identified, one interested in audience engagement and diversifying its programming by collaborating with international professionals.
  2. Open Call: An anonymous open call is launched to form a working group, typically composed of Finnish and international creatives from various artistic disciplines.
  3. Creative Process: The group works on a theme of their choice, with the process generally being uncurated. If preferred, the partner institution may provide guidance.
  4. Production and Presentation: The project moves into a rehearsal phase, culminating in the execution of the group’s work at the partner institution.

GAP LAB prioritises collaboration, experimentation, and cross-cultural exchange, making it a unique opportunity for all participants.

Previous GAP LAB Programmes