13.06.2022 | Open calls

This autumn, Globe Art Point starts running a 6 months long peer-to-peer programme targeting professionals in the field of art and culture who have just recently moved to Finland and have a very limited knowledge about the happenings in the Finnish art and culture scene as well as professionals who have been based in Finland for a longer period, however, still do not have the sufficient networks that would help them to integrate and essentially continue their artistic practice in Finland. 



10 professional artists/cultural workers will be selected to join our P2P programme. The selection process will be anonymous and will require applicants to write a max of one page motivational letter explaining their needs and drives behind applying for the programme. Please note that we are looking for participants who are determined to attend the sessions and will be actively trying to learn to improve their career situation. 

The sessions will take place every 3 weeks (Tuesdays) in our office in Kamppi. Each session will take approximately 3h (5-8pm) and will consist of both moderated open dialogue and information sessions led by experts on various topics that can enhance the participants’ career opportunities. Examples of these are how to write a Finnish-style CV and application letter, how to tackle grant writing or how to promote & sell art. The programme will also include a field trip and homeworks for people to complete. Each individual participant will be monitored and their progress documented throughout the programme. The participants will be encouraged to meet outside the class and together (based on their needs) start building new connections and networks. 



Application period closing on 31.7. 

If you are a professional artist, cultural producer, entrepreneur, educator or other type of creative and want to join this programme, please send us an application letter clearly stating your intentions and needs for attending the programme. The letter should be anonymous meaning we do not need to know your name, gender, professional background, age et cetera. All we require from you is a professional & positive attitude. The selected candidates will be contacted in August. The course is to be set in September, however, the exact date is still open.

Please send your applications and/or inquiries about the programme to G.A.P’s Project Manager Alex Koller; [email protected].



As the Art, Culture and Diverse Finland, Final Report of the Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity states, “the corona pandemic has almost completely suspended international migration.” At the same time, the majority of activities in the arts and culture sector were put on hold causing arts and culture professionals to isolate and seek alternative ways to find employment in Finland. 

People that have already been disadvantaged by their inability to speak the local languages faced the challenge to form relationships and connections with like-minded people in their field as they were completely cut off by the unfortunate global situation. 

With the recent lift of restrictions there is an evident need for people to restore their lost network structures.  Returning back to “normal” for some means they can finally start working their way into the local arts and culture scenes, especially if they happened to relocate to Finland just before the pandemic started. 

The arts and culture scene has been experiencing a boom of events and activities once the pandemic situation improved in the country. However, how does one compensate for 2 years of lost time due to social distancing that would have been otherwise utilised for building their life in Finland? 

The aim of our P2P programme is to bring together people who have suffered due to the pandemics and are in a strong need to swiftly find their way into the Finnish arts and culture scenes.



The aim of the programme is to improve employment possibilities of art and culture professionals with diverse backgrounds as well as enhancing integration of these professionals in Finland. With our P2P programme, we strive to bring people together and spark their creativity and productivity once again. Well-being of our community is of paramount concern to us. Globe Art Point believes the feelings of otherness and alienation can be eradicated and feels a certain responsibility to prevent these feelings in our community.

The planning of the P2P programme incorporated the proposed objectives and themes of the Helsinki City Strategy 2021 – 2025. Furthermore, when making the P2P programme, we considered the UN Sustainable goals 3. Good Health and Well-being, 4. Quality Education, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities and 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. 

This programme is supported by Moniheli ry  and Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse sr.