Do you want diversity in the arts and culture sector?Apply to be a change maker!

28.02.2019 | Open calls

Haluatko moninaisuutta taide- ja kulttuurikentälle?Hae nyt muutoksen tekijäksi!

Vill du ha mångfald på konst- och kulturfältet? Ansök nu om att bli en förändringsskapare!

Вы хотите большего разнообразия в искусстве и культуре?Если – да, то подайте заявку и начните изменения!

Kas Sa soovid mitmekesisust kunstide ja kultuuri valdkonnas?Taotle, et olla muutuste läbiviija!

!هل ترغب بالتعددية في قطاع الفن والثقافة؟ قدم لتصبح صانع التغيير

Miyaad rabtaa in aad kordhiso kala duwanaashaha farshaxanka iyo dhaqanka?Codso in aad noqoto qofka badalidoona!

Do you want diversity in the arts and culture sector? Apply to be a change maker!

Culture For All Service, Globe Art Point and the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore organize a


Apply by 20
March 2019!

Target Group

The course
is aimed at cultural workers and artists of non-Finnish origin or background. It
is open for professionals of all art and culture fields, both those working as
freelancers and those working or employed within arts and culture institutions.

We are
looking for people with a professional background in the arts and culture and a
keen interest in diversity. Personal experience of diversity is beneficial. The course language is English; knowledge of
the Finnish language can be useful but is not a requirement. Knowledge of other
languages as well as experiences and/or an education from outside Finland is
seen as an advantage.

We are
dedicated to cultural diversity and equal participation. We encourage people of
all genders and gender identities to send us their application independent of the
applicant’s ethnic origin, religion, disability or age.

Learning Objectives

The aim of
the course is to offer tools for developing diversity in the arts and culture

After the
course, participants

are familiar with key concepts such
as diversity, equality, accessibility, norm criticism, structural racism and inclusion,have knowledge about the arts and
culture sector in Finland as well as cultural policy,have tools and techniques required
in facilitating a process of change towards a more diverse arts and culture
field,have practical experience of working
with diversity in an arts and culture institution.

Course Content

The course
introduces participants to topics related to diversity, familiarizes with the
arts and culture sector and cultural policy in Finland and offers an
opportunity to work concretely with diversity in an institutional context. Participants
are asked to actively contribute their own expertise and offer sparring to each

As part of
the course participants will carry out an assignment in an arts and culture
institution either individually or in the group.


is limited to 10 people and it is free of charge. The course is held in
Helsinki; the project covers travel and accommodation expenses for participants
from outside the capital region.


The course
takes place on the following dates. In addition, the participants need to
reserve time outside theses hours to prepare and carry out their assignment.

16-19 (3 h)

10-17 (7 h)

11-18 (7 h)

11-18 (7 h)

11-18 (7 h)

Persons in Charge

coordinator: diversity trainer and theatre director Martina Marti, Culture For
All Service

The course
content is delivered by experts in the field of arts and culture, diversity,
equality and organizational change.


Please send a motivation letter (maximum length 1 A4), CV and a
link to your website or digital portfolio or other examples of your work (for
example as PDF) to [email protected] by 20th
March 2019. In your motivation letter please also say what kind of institution
you would be interested to work with or whether you already work with a
particular institution. Please write your application in English.


The Avaus project-team will
select 10 participants. Applicants will be informed of the selection decision
by 29th March 2019.


The Diversity
Agent Course is part of the project Avaus
(Opening) run by Culture For All Service in cooperation with Globe Art
Point and the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore. The aim of the
project is to support
the equal participation of non-Finnish-born cultural workers and artists in the
Finnish arts and culture sector. In the first phase of the Avaus project
(2017-2019) the employment of non-Finnish-born cultural workers and artists was
mapped through a research carried out by Cupore, through job shadowing
observation carried out by the Culture For All Service and through the
expertise of Globe Art Point’s members.

Further Information about the Course

Martina Marti, Culture For All Service, [email protected], 0400 997 203

Avaus Partners

Culture for All Service,

Executive Director Rita Paqvalen, [email protected]

Diversity Educator Martina Marti, [email protected], +358 400 997203

Globe Art Point,

Executive Director Tomi Purovaara, [email protected]

Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore,

Director Marjo Mäenpää, [email protected]

Researcher Emmi Lahtinen, [email protected]

Image credit: Alexandra Burda.