How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis

14.09.2017 | News

The reports look at how arts and culture can bring people together and increase their participation in society. The report provides recommendations for cultural policy makers and for cultural organisations structured around three key themes: empowerment, intersectoral and evaluation.

Key themes

The report examines how empowerment can pave the way to equal opportunities and participation in social and cultural life. It emphasises avoiding framing migrants and refugees as collective identities, advising instead that we consider all people as individuals with voices that have the right to be heard.

It recommends building intersectoral connections between arts and culture and other sectors of public action like employment, education, welfare, housing and justice. Successful integration depends on all of these factors being addressed and therefore no single issue can be addressed in isolation.

The report underlines the need for the evaluation of artistic and cultural initiatives in this area. Effective monitoring and analysis will allow EU countries and cultural organisations to learn from one another and develop better cultural policies in the future.

For each of these themes, the report makes recommendations for:

cultural policymakers (EU, national, local)
stakeholders/cultural institutions

The report concludes with examples of successful projects and initiatives from around Europe.

Link to report: How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis

Executive summary


This report is the key output of the working group of EU Member States on Intercultural Dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis, created in October 2015.