Pension-insurance Plans for Grants (MYEL)

MYEL Pension Insurance for Grant Recipients

Grant recipients take out their MYEL pension insurance from the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution (Mela).

Who Is Required to Have Insurance?

The insurance obligation applies to all individuals aged 18–67 who have received a grant awarded in Finland in 2009 or later, under the following conditions:

  • The grant must be intended for artistic or scientific work in Finland, with a minimum duration of four months (i.e., a working grant).
  • The grant amount must be at least EUR 1,276.04 per four-month period, or EUR 3,828.13 annually (based on 2018 figures).

The insurance does not apply to individuals:

  • Under 18 or over 67 years of age.
  • Already receiving an old-age pension.

What Types of Grants Require Insurance?

The insurance obligation is limited to working grants. It does not apply to grants intended solely for expenses, such as travel grants.

For mixed-form grants (those covering both working and expenses):

  • The portion of the grant intended for expenses must be deducted from the total amount.
  • The pension insurance amount is based only on the share used for working.
  • If the grant decision does not specify this division, the recipient must provide clarification to Mela.

Insurance for Workgroups

If a grant is awarded to a workgroup, each member’s work is covered under MYEL if the general conditions for pension insurance are met. The leader of the workgroup is responsible for declaring the grant to Mela.

Additional Insurance Coverage

Along with pension insurance, Mela also provides grant recipients with:

  • Occupational accident insurance
  • Group life insurance
  • Survivors’ pension in case of death

Tax Benefits and Social Security

  • Pension contributions are tax-deductible and can also be deducted on a spouse’s tax return.
  • The grant recipient’s maternity, sickness, and unemployment allowances are determined based on their confirmed income under MYEL.

Working Abroad

Some grant-supported artistic work abroad (e.g., during a residency) may be covered by MYEL insurance if specific conditions are met. Grant recipients should confirm their insurance validity before working abroad.

More Information & Assistance

  • Full details on pension insurance for grant recipients: Mela website
  • Customer service for grant recipients: +358 29 435 2650
  • Insurance application form: Available online on Mela’s website.

Additional Resources (in Finnish)