Applying for grants and funding for arts and culture is possible from public bodies (various ministries, the Arts Promotion Center, regions, cities) as well as from state-subsidized and private foundations and funds.
You can find information on current grants in these databases:
• (in Finnish for now) offers a collection of statistical reports with conceptual descriptions, a grant directory and news on information publications in the field. The website is the result of cooperation and sharing of information. The Ministry of Education and Culture provides and maintains the distribution platform, but the information content is mainly produced by operators in the field. The website is still in the development with the English version coming at the end of this year.
• TINFO Grand Guard (in Finnish only) is a service provided by TINFO: Theatre Info Finland that helps you stay on top of the application deadlines for grants and grants. The bursary watchdog notifies you by e-mail about the start of the application period. It also tells if a grant application has been updated or if a new grant has been added to the list. All you have to do is enter your email address!
• is the national funding database for science and art. The database lists funding of over 400 organisations and new funding opportunities are constantly added on to keep the database up to date.
Developed by the University of Turku, the database is part of a large national online service,, managed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. (in Swedish only) has been launched and maintained by Luckan Helsinki since 2003.
The website lists information about private funds and foundations, state and regional subsidies, as well as Nordic forms of support and EU funding.
On the home page, the grant sources are listed chronologically according to application time. You can do a text search in the search field, or click on the “Filter” link and search for grant sources using keywords. Here you can also choose to list the grant sources that have continuous or varying application times, those that are otherwise listed by the grant sources with an exact date. In the search results, only the grant sources that have an application period defined in the future are listed.
You can apply for grants as a private individual, a working group or through an organisation (association, co-operative, company etc.).
The number and conditions of grants from different granters vary annually. Grants are considered as tax-free income.
The recipient of the grant must pay out the pension and insurance costs. The insurance must be applied for within three months of the start of the grant. The application is submitted to the Farmers’ Pensions Institution Mela.
The insurance covers all those grant recipients living in Finland whose grant is intended for at least four months of artistic work in Finland. Also, some of the foreign grants are covered by the insurance. A person over 68 years of age or a retirement pension cannot take out insurance.
If a grant is applied to the work of the members of the working group, the signatory of the application will be responsible for the grant to the granting authority and, where appropriate, to the pension institution (appellate) and the taxpayer.
If the grantee is an association or other community with legal status any remuneration paid by it to an artist is regarded as salary, for which the income tax and statutory social contributions must be paid. This should be taken into consideration when planning a budget. There are some free internet programs to be used in calculating and administrating salary payments to artists such as e.g.