Making Your Life as an Artist – A Guide to Building a Balanced, Sustainable Artistic Life

US-based Artists U released a download a free publication that explores, inspires and advocates the work and lifestyle of artists. Written by artist, choreographer and Artists U founder Andrew Simonet, Making Your Life As An Artist can be read as a manifesto, a call to action, a philosophical and spiritual guide as well as a survival handbook.

Written in the form of a prose poem and from an artist’s perspective, the book raises a number of observations and truisms around artists’ lifestyles, and offers insights and tips on planning, goal setting and making fundamental financial changes. Directed at practitioners from all artforms, it is a meditation on how to harness artistic creativity to sustainably manage other areas of life.

Excerpts from the book include:

“At every level of success, too many artists are exhausted, overwhelmed and broke, panicked about the present and disheartened about the future. It does not have to be like this.”

“A lot of artists’ lives are built for 23-year-old single, frenetic, healthy, childless workaholics. That doesn’t last. Our lives change and our needs change.”

“We are highly trained professionals, and the work we do, collectively, is essential in our culture. I expect to be compensated fully and fairly. I have the freedom to do unpaid or low-paying work that is rewarding in other ways.”

Simonet founded Artists U in 2006 and it functions as an artist-led, free and open source professional development platform working in Philadelphia, Baltimore and South Carolina. Aiming to change the working conditions of artists, Artists U are hoping for 100,000 artists worldwide to read Making Your Life As An Artist.

Making a living as a visual artist | Artists’ Association of Finland
source: Artists U