Artists require many types of contracts in their work. In practice, signing a contract is relevant when an artist sells his or her work, agrees on a commission for artwork, or places work on display in an exhibition.
Contract law does not require a specific form of the contract. This means that an oral agreement is just as valid as a written contract. In practice, however, determining the content of an oral agreement can be difficult later, so it is sensible to make contracts in writing, or at least confirm the essential content via e-mail. Things are easier to check from a written contract or an e-mail message.
As part of the ART360 project, a contract information databank was compiled with additional information on contractual usage. We have included ready-to-use contract templates below for download and printing.
Contract templates (in Finnish)
Taideteoksen kauppakirja: PDF MS Word
Taideteoksen näyttelysopimus: PDF MS Word
Taideteoksen tilaussopimus: PDF MS Word
Taideteoksen välityssopimus: PDF MS Word
Yleiset sopimusehdot: PDF
Please also refer to prosenttiperiaate
Contract templates