A trade union is an organization within the framework of a trade union movement which seeks to defend and improve workers’ working conditions.
The trade union usually consists of people in the same industry (eg nurses) or industry (eg workers in a glass factory) or persons in the same training (eg engineers). The trade union consists of workers’ associations or trade unions.
Trade unions negotiate collective agreements with the employers’ side.
In Finland, trade unions, such as all associations and individuals, have the right to freedom of association and an established position in most workplaces as well as in institutional decision-making in society. Trade union membership dues are tax deductible and employers organized in employers’ organizations collect them directly from trade union members and account for trade unions.
Trade unions also maintain unemployment censuses for which membership fees are most often charged in connection with dues. Unemployment can also be associated without being a member of a trade union.
The so-called “Loimaa Cashier”, founded by the employers’ associations in the 1990’s, the Unemployment Fund, the JRC (formerly the Unemployment Insurance Fund), has risen to become a competitor of trade unions in the unemployment insurance sector. The current official name to this is: General unemployment fund YTK.
If a worker does not want to join into a trade union but still wishes to have earnings-related unemployment benefit, one can join into YTK and have this benefit. https://en.ytk.fi/.
text sources: Wikipedia, www.ytk.fi
In Finland, trade unions are organized mainly into three central organizations:
The Finnish Confederation of Trade Unions (SAK) traditionally represents employees in industry, building and transport, but currently a large number of members in the service sector and in the public sector.
STTK is widely represented by white-collar workers, civil servants and healthcare staff.
Academic Labor Market Organization Akava represents, among others, teachers, doctors, economists, lawyers and engineers.
Art and Culture Professionals’ Trade Union TAKU
Finnish Actor´s Union (Suomen Näyttelijäliitto)
The Finnish Musicians’ Union
Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland (Theatre, Film and Television Designers, Union of Dance and Circus Artists Finland, Union of Film and Media Employees Finland, Union of Lighting, Sound and Video Designers in Finland, Union of Theatre Directors and Dramaturges Finland, Theatre Professionals´ Union Finland, Association of Cinema Projectionists Finland)
Recommended lecture!: General information about the working life in Finland by the trade union for theatre and media TEME.
Service Trade Union PAM
Association of Public and Welfare Industries JHL
Tehy, The Union of Health and Social Care Professionals in Finland
Industrial Union
Professional Union Pro, clerical employees, experts, supervisory and managerial staff
Educational Trade Union OAJ
Finnish Construction Trade Union
SuPer, The Finnish Union of Practical Nurses
Engineer Association
Finnish Economists