Welcome to the Helpdesk session “How to price your art” with Krista Mikkola.
In this informal session, we will discuss the difficult task of deciding a price for your artworks.
Krista will share her expertise as a curator/gallerist and will give some useful tips, the session is aimed at professional visual artists dealing with the art market.
Max participants: 15 people
Expert: Krista Mikkola
Place: Globe Art Point, Helsinki. Malminkatu 5 (Kamppi)
Length: 8th December, 3-5 p. m.
Language: English
Registration deadline: 1st December.
Enrol Here!Krista Mikkola is a Finnish Art Historian, who has since her childhood been educated to like Mediterranean culture and especially France and Italy.
At the 80’s she worked with Marika Mäkelä and Leena Luostatinen, collaborating with Scandinavian and Middle European galleries, museums and Kunsthalles.
Having a Gallery 1984-89, 1989-1990 at Cable Factory, she made the first exhibitions of Alvar Gullichsen, Osmo Rauhala, Petri Hytönen. at 2000 with Riiko Sakkinen, Jani Leinonen, Nanna Susi and Niko Luoma.
In 2005 she launched Helsinki Design week together with eat&joy at her Neitsytpolku Gallery, and after all together launched Finland 95 with Helsinki City at St.Sulpice, Paris.
She has collaborated with the Russian gallerist Elena Kadieff and architect Olli Hanhirova Mom, what’s architecture gallery at St.Petetsburg, Billnäs
Mikkola has worked as a Scandinavian expertise in The French biggest auction house in Paris and with Helsinki festival-Boltanski.
She is emeritus President of European and Mediterranean Biennial association Bjcem, Città di Torino, founded in Sarajevo 2001, today developing the Cultural projects between Paris, Turin, and Balkans.
Mikkola is creating Creative economy through the cultural tourism at AtsMondo.