October 1th, 2021 from 2 – 7 pm
Can you believe that G.A.P is turning 5 years old this year, time flies doesn’t it?! On the 1th of October from 2 pm onward, our doors will be open to everyone interested in learning about our association and celebrating this incredible milestone with us.
The celebration will be accompanied by live art performances and the opening of our first window exhibition.
14:00 – 17:00 G.A.P team and members of G.A.P board will be present to discuss the association’s events, activities and programmes.
17:00 Official opening of our first window exhibition La Vie de Bohème and Dramaturgy of Boulevardisation by Romeo Kodra.
17:00 – 18:00 Live performance Presence Y explores the grounding and yet mysterious quality of presence through the prism of butoh dance by Katia Skylar. – duration about 25 min.
17:30 – 18:30 Live art performance by Sepideh Rahaa. – duration about 15 min.
18:00 Cake and birthday cheers, speech by G.A.P’s Chairperson Ruby Gupte and Managing Director Jaana Simula
Participating Artists:
Romeo Kodra
I have a Master degree in “Theory, Technique and Management of Arts and Entertainment” (Category: Entertainment and Multimedia Productions, Faculty of Human Sciences) and a Bachelor degree in “Public and Institutional Mass Media Communication” (Category: Communication Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures), both from Bergamo University of Studies, Italy. The interest of my theoretical artistic research regards the challenged spaces between the political power and arts in transitional and contemporary societies as well as the polyphonic organization of spaces and artistic productions. This interest in my practice is explored through video art, art performances, theater, curatorial events, photography, writings on culture, art and critique of art. From 2016, for my research as well as curatorial and artistic practices, I was selected as an Invited Researcher by the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, in Paris. At the moment, I work as Lead Expert Quality Evaluator of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission and enjoy learning Finnish from my two-years-old daughter.
Katia Skylar
Katia Skylar is an actor (FIA), butoh dancer, and performance artist, she is also a co-founder of a podcast ‘Besedka s akcentom’ where together with the guests they discuss their devotion and passion in life. Katia’s deep interest lies in exploring the connection between the body and the mind, between movement, self-being, and creativity. Bodily movement is the core language of her acting and performing projects, where movement interpretation of a spoken word is created with the physical theatre methods and dance. In terms of the dialogues, she likes to experiment with the multilingual approach. Among the themes she is interested to work with: body perceptions, limitations, gender roles and expectations, non-human entities, and finding beauty in the mundane brutality. Katia also enjoys working with site-specific and audience-driven projects.
Sepideh Rahaa
Sepideh Rahaa (1981, Iran) is a multidisciplinary artist, researcher and educator based in Helsinki. Through her practice, she actively investigates and questions prevailing power structures, social norms and conventions while focusing on womanhood, storytelling and everyday resistance. Currently she is pursuing her doctoral studies in Contemporary Art at Aalto University. Her practice and research interests are representations in contemporary art, silenced histories, decolonisation, Intersectional feminist politics and post-migration matters.
You can find us on Malminkatu 5, 00100, Helsinki. When you enter Malminkatu from Runeberginkatu/Kamppi metro station turn right, G.A.P is at the end of the street on the right side, located in a pink building. Our facilities are accessible on the street level, assistant dogs are welcome, however, please note that there is no accessible toilet in the office space.
Do you have any questions? Please contact G.A.P’s Project Manager Alex Kollerová at alex.kollerova(at)gmail.com.
No one should make assumptions of or question someone’s background, gender or experiences.
Every person inside the facilities must be treated equally and respectfully. Discrimination and any kind of harassment, sexual or otherwise, are strictly forbidden. This includes language. It also condemned the use of discriminatory, subordinating, repressive or offensive terminology (different slurs and invectives), not even in examples or to describe something.
By using the G.A.P.’s facilities you commit yourself to be responsible for your behaviour and to follow these rules. The workers, members and facilitators of events inside G.A.P. are responsible for securing that every participant and guest are aware of them.
In conflict situations, the organiser of events as the team of G.A.P. has the right to intervene. If you witnessed or experienced any harassment inside G.A.P., please inform immediately to the team or to the event facilitator.