Finnish Musicians’ Union & Globe Art Point:
Musician’s rights & grants
Do you know what are your rights as a musician in Finland? How to apply for grants? How to draft employment contracts, file taxes, secure copyrights or take care of your pension matters? Did you know that The Finnish Musicians’ Union can help you with all of it!?
Welcome to meet the Union! On Monday, 13th of September The Finnish Musicians’ Union / Muusikkojen liitto and Globe Art Point are planning an informative session for Finnish and Finland-based professional musicians in the Union’s office in Helsinki and on Zoom.
During the session, we will discuss the following:
What is The Finnish Musicians’ Union?
Who does the Union serve?
How to become a member of the Union?
What are the services and benefits that come with the membership?
What legal aid does the Union provide for its members?
How do the Union’s Instrument Insurance and Musicians’ Sick Fund work?
What kind of rights do musicians have? What are Teosto and Gramex?
What to do when facing obscurities in a musician’s work?
From where and how can musicians apply for grants?
and…what do you want to know?
Participating at the event will be Ilona Vartiainen, lawyer of the Union; Pekka Lehti, musician and vice president of the Union; and Sanni Kahilainen, Head of Communications of the Union.
The event will be followed by informal networking between 16:00 – 17:00.
Due to significant increase in COVID-19 cases, the event is going to be organised as a hybrid.
Please note that changes are possible! We will monitor the development of the coronavirus pandemic and publish any changes to the program on our social media channels as the number of people allowed to participate onsite might be restricted by the future coronavirus regulations. If you are attending remotely, we will provide you with a link to follow the event online as soon as the registration closes.
We’re looking forward to meeting you and to hear your questions and comments. Through the registration form, you can also ask questions in advance.
Register by Thursday Sept 9th!
Time: Monday Sept 13th 2021 at 14–16
Place: Finnish Musicians’ Union, Pieni Roobertinkatu 16, 5th floor // Zoom
Language: English
The Finnish Musicians’ Union (founded in 1917) is a trade organization for professional musicians. It organizes some 3 800 members in 23 branches. The Finnish Musicians Union is a member of The Central Organization of The International Federation of Musicians (FIM), The Nordic Musician Union (NMU), The Central Finnish Trade Unions (SAK) and International Artist Organization (IAO).
Union members benefit from general furthering of musicians interests, collective agreements, free counseling and contract consultation, free legal assistance, Muusikko magazine (in FInnish), unemployment fund, sick fund, instrument insurance, employment services, artist residences in London, Berlin and Raasepori, Finland, sound equipment lending, events etc.
Finnish Musicians’ Union owns Radio Helsinki and G Livelab venue.