Dialogue on harassment and inappropriate behaviour in the Finnish arts & culture field
Globe Art Point, in collaboration with Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals (TAKU) organises an online dialogue on work-related harassment and inappropriate behaviour in the Finnish arts and cultural sector. The event will provide information on how to identify maltreatment, what to do if one experiences or witnesses it in their work environment, and who to turn to for support.
The dialogue is related to the recently published survey of Meri Jaakola, a Master’s student in Arts Management at the University of the Arts Helsinki (Sibelius Academy), who is currently conducting their thesis research on the topic. TAKU has commissioned Meri to develop this work, as the data from their thesis will be used for a guide on inappropriate behaviour that the union is planning to publish later this year.
Through conversations with three guest experts, the event will facilitate thought exchanges about the challenges of addressing misconducts and the precarity of the arts and cultural sector in this context. Participants may submit questions or comments for the discussion already in the registration form, or can share them live at the event through the chat box of Zoom. The identities of participants are handled with discretion, therefore all questions and comments will be presented anonymously.
The objective of this dialogue is to serve as a platform for discourse on misconducts and maltreatments experienced by the professional community of the arts and culture field. However, the event cannot facilitate personal advising on legal matters or mental health. All participants will receive a PDF leaflet with relevant information and contact details at the end of the event that is aimed to support individual guidance.
When and where: 17.3.21, Online on Zoom, 14:30 – 16:00
The language of the event is English.
Scheduled program:
14.30-14.50 Introducing the organisers & Meri Jaakola’s research
14.50-15.10 Introduction and statements from the guest speakers Sari Karttunen, Sikke Leinikki & Hanna Fontana
15.10-16.00 Panel discussion / Q&A. The discussion will be moderated by Julian Owusu.
About the guest speakers:
Sari Karttunen (D.Soc.Sc.) is a cultural policy researcher whose specialties include artistic occupations and social art practice. She works at the Center for Cultural Policy Research CUPORE and the University of the Arts Helsinki. She is leading the research group “Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists” in the ArtsEqual project (2015-2021) coordinated by Uniarts Helsinki. Currently, she is also serving in the European Commission OMC group on gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors (2019-2021).
Sikke Leinikki is a lecturer on work community development at Humak University of Applied Sciences. Sikke has a PhD in political sciences and wrote her doctoral thesis on the experiences of temporary jobs amongst highly educated. She currently works at the Humak University of Applied Sciences teaching work community development. Her previous job was at TJS Study Centre where she worked as an expert in development. There she managed several projects in order to promote equality in working life. One of the most important projects from these was the Häiritsevä palaute website and learning material that she co-created with colleagues from the Mediakollektiivi Cooperative. The website aims to help those working in expert positions to form a solid understanding of hate speech and how it can be handled. A short article on the project in English can be found here.
Hanna Fontana works as a HR Manager at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet. Fontana works as HR Manager in the Finnish National Opera and Ballet. Her responsibilities include HR processes during the employment, internal information, work ability management, guidelines and instructions, and coaching. Beside her main work, she works as a lecturer in the University of Arts, a conflict mediator, and a speaker in different art organizations (e.g. theatres, orchestras, music schools). Her main themes in the guest lectures are Responsible work conduct, Conflict mediation, Work ability management, Work Community structures, and Mental work ability.
About the moderator:
Julian Owusu is a dancer, who works for the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) as Regional Artist for Youth Culture. Alongside this task, he has worked within Taike to further questions regarding accessibility and equity. Prior to that, Julian has worked in the Finnish streetdance scene as a dancer, teacher and choreographer since 2004. He acted as chairperson of the Northern Finland’s Streetdance Association from 2011 to 2015 and currently sits on the board of the Nordic House of Reykjavík in Iceland.
Deadline for the registration is 16.3. 21
Please note that participation is bound to registration and that the maximum number of participants is 95. (The meeting link will be shared via email with the registrants.)
The event will not be recorded or streamed on any online platform during or after the event.
Event Info Bank:
Reclaiming Boundaries Info Sheet.
Event Feedback Form:
Event feedback form.
Your feedback is very important to us. Please fill in the event feedback form and send it by 28th of March.
Virtual Safer Space Measures:
With respect to the sensitive nature of the topic and individuals who might have been harassed or treated inappropriately before, attendees will be asked to abide by the principles of the following Virtual Safer Space Guideline that will accompany the dialogue.
Don’t make assumptions about other people’s background, gender or experiences.
Avoid making uninformed statements, or talking on behalf of others. If in doubt, dare to ask (or refer to people with more inclusive pronouns, as they/them).
Treat everyone equally, regardless of a person’s gender identity, age, appearance, language, cultural background, ethnic or national origin, religion or other beliefs, state of health, functional ability, sexual orientation.
Discriminative language or behaviour, as well as any kind of harassment (sexual or otherwise) are strictly forbidden. Improper behavior will be addressed and may result in revoked participation.
Behave with everyone’s comfort in mind, and remain conscious of the space you take up when expressing yourself (e.g. when submitting questions or comments).
Refrain from identifying individuals or collectives when sharing personal remarks related to the topic of the event. Private information or uninvestigated claims may have irreversible consequences for others at or outside the event.
Avoid sharing explicit details of your experiences, as they may be triggering to others. If in doubt, begin with a trigger warning.
Keep in mind that making mistakes is human, and therefore unavoidable. Let’s aim to guide each other, discuss and be open to new perspectives.
If you face any issues or experience violation to this guideline, please contact the organisers at, or after the event:
Vilja Byström, TAKU | [email protected] | + 358 40 561 8967
Jaana Simula, G.A.P | [email protected] | +358 40 5455859
TAKU ry is a professional organization for those working and studying in the fields of art and culture. TAKU is an expert organization in the special questions of working life affecting its field.
Globe Art Point is a non-governmental organisation, whose mission is to advocate for the cultural equity, diversity and inclusion in the arts and cultural sector in Finland. G.A.P also serves as an information centre and meeting point for artists, cultural workers and arts and cultural institutes.