Stanislava Ovchinnikova is an interdisciplinary artist and curator whose interests lie primarily in the area of politically engaged and trauma-based artistic practices. Her work relies on autobiographical materials and intergenerational histories, and often involves other members of affected communities at the research stage. She has been most extensively trained in performance and photography, but rather than confining herself to one specific approach or methodology, she selects mediums based on their ability to support the thematic center of her work. For instance, in 2021 she developed a project «Am I Dead Yet?» that dealt with depression and its influence on the perception of human mortality. During the research stage, she interviewed 16 people on the evolution of their relationship with death. These discussions were transformed into a series of film photographs bringing to the surface the sense of erosion, desensitization, and non-feeling states. Images were later presented at Ovchinnikova’s Solo exhibition “Am I Dead Yet?” at PostPlay Lab (2021, Kyiv). Her other work was exhibited in places like Titanik Gallery and Taiteen Talo (Turku, Finland), Koehnline Museum of Art (IL, US), Show Gallery (LA, US), Ukrainian Parliament, and more. Additionally, since 2023 she has been working as a guest curator with the Ukrainian archive of contemporary dance films Let The Body Speak.