Agnese Gemetto

Photo by: Selfportrait.

Fields of art

Arts, general: Producer
Visual arts: Graphic Arts, Sculpture, Video Art, VJ
Performing arts:
Special groups:
Other culture:




English, French, Spanish, Italian

Social media

Born in Chivasso she lived in Turin, Italy until 2018. Now based in Helsinki, Finland. Visual artist, Vj (live video projections), video-maker, clay sculptor, digital artist (NFT).

The artist’s imagery tells of intra-dimensional visions, populated by symbiotic beings that take on phyto-anthropomorphic appearances. She compares the human essence to the natural sphere. Influenced by her passion for Renaissance naturalist philosophy, she uses esoteric-magical symbolism to represent the dynamics of everyday and dreamlike experience. This symbolic language is increasingly consistent in her most recent works. The themes always present from the earliest works as well as in the new ones, are repetition, sacred cyclicity, and the ritual aspect of human experience. The interpenetration of the planes of existence is expressed with the technique of the superimposition of many levels, whether they are painted, sculpted or digital, material or metaphysical.