(Kemê's speech 47:00 - 57:50) The following text is a speech presented by Globe Art Point's supporting member Kemê Pellicer at the...
The Impact Globe Art Point Makes, Demos Helsinki’s Report
G.A.P was founded in autumn 2016. After almost four full working years, the board initiated a survey to monitor and measure how our actions and projects have contributed to the developments of the...
Georgie Goater, Maikki Palm, Gesa Piper: Memory Matter
The dance performance Memory Matter is co-choreographed between Georgie Goater, Maikki Palm and Gesa Piper, in collaboration with lighting and stage designer Sofia Palillo and sound...
Good, but not good enough. Bad, but not bad enough.
World Mental Health Day was celebrated on October 10th. This year, G.A.P decided to join in Mieli's campaign to highlight the positive effects of true listening, genuine presence and being heard on...
Open call for a blog article
Our core mission at Globe Art Point is advocating cultural equity, diversity and inclusion in the arts and cultural sector in Finland. But what is diversity and how does one appropriately...
Avaus – the status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland
Opening. The status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland is a report based on a development project entitled Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in...
Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity
The Ministry of Education and Culture appointed a working group on cultural policy, immigration and cultural diversity on 9 January 2020 to prepare proposals for cultural policy guidelines to...
Two recipes for quarantine days’ survival by Elizaveta Bomash
#chocolatebrownies #stephencovey Breath in – breath out, as another day in quarantine begins. The morning is not so different from pre-quarantine days: wake up early, make coffee, cook breakfast,...
Avaus – diversity information pack
Avaus (Opening) is a project carried out in 2017-2019 supporting the employment of non-Finnish born artists and cultural professionals in Finland. The Culture For All Service implements the project...