When we in Finland talk about local artists, we tend to use labels that refer to their background. These labels depend on whether or not their identity is considered to deviate from the white...
Do you need comments/advice to develop your grant application?
You can book a one-hour meeting between 9.-30.10.2017 at 15.00-16.00 with Tomi Purovaara in Globe Art Point Helsinki. Tomi has a long experience of building and assessing projects by working in...
Do you need art-related legal advice?
On Friday 27th October and 24th November, we will have the lawyer Mirkka Kivilehto at Globe Art Point having individual 25 min sessions. It will be 4 sessions per day, from 15.30 to 17.30 h. Mirkka...
How culture and the arts can promote intercultural dialogue in the context of the migratory and refugee crisis
The reports look at how arts and culture can bring people together and increase their participation in society. The report provides recommendations for cultural policy makers and for cultural...
Survey: Situation of International Professional Artists residing in Finland (Non-Finnish born)
What is the reality of International artists residing in Finland? What are the problems they have that finnish artist do not have? Have they access to the same information and opportunities? What...
Hello Summer!
We will be closed during the entire month of July but we promise to come back the 1th August with more information, workshops and activities. Don´t forget to suscribe to our newsletter and follow...
Wandering words – Comparisons of the Position of Non-dominant Language Writers in Nordic Organizations
This report written by Outi Korhonen and Rita Paqvalén is an attempt to map the Nordic literary field in regards to the position of the writer who writes in non-dominant languages.The aims of the...
Suomi, jonka haluamme 2050 ─ The Finland we want by 2050
Visio: Luonnon kantokyvyn turvaava, hyvinvoiva ja globaalisti vastuullinen Suomi. "Suomessa jokainen ihminen on arvokas ja tasa-arvoinen yhteiskunnan jäsen. Suomi on osaava hyvinvointiyhteiskunta,...
Multiculturalism and Cultural Policy in Northern Europe
The purpose of this article is to examine multiculturalist cultural policies in northern Europe. Almost all societies are multicultural in the sense that they contain two or more languages or...