The campaign funding for culture, Cut the Cuts! against cuts in art and culture continues! The petition is open until 4.4.2025 with aims to double the current number of signatures to 200,000. Let's...
What Now? Changes to the Realities of International Artists in Finland
When: 5.11. At 14.00-17.00 Where: Uniarts Theatre Academy (Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530), room: KO-535 How: Hybrid By Whom: TIAN (Teak International Alumni Network), GAP (Globe Art Point) & Think...
Our Position On A Situation In Gaza
The following statement has been drafted and published by Forum Artis on the first of February 2024. As a member of the organisation, Globe Art Point decided to support this statement by sharing it...
Access, Advocacy And Active Inclusion – Pathways to increasing Diversity in the Arts and Culture Field (AAA)
AAA is an Erasmus+ project lead by IMMART in partnership with Globe Art Point in Finland and Fresh Arts Coalition Europe in France. The project is dedicated to empowering the European arts and...
Ethical Guidelines For The Art And Culture Sector
Forum Artis has drawn up ethical guidelines for the field of art and culture to facilitate the self-regulation of the field, as commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture during...
Statement In Response To The New Government Programme
Globe Art Point strongly opposes the new government programme introduced by the incoming administration in Finland, particularly regarding the proposed reforms in immigration and social security...
Diversity Agents as a help for cultural institutions
Would you like to know how to make your work environment or project more diverse and inclusive? Would you like your institution to be more diversity-minded? What are Diversity Agents?...
The Impact Globe Art Point Makes, Demos Helsinki’s Report
G.A.P was founded in autumn 2016. After almost four full working years, the board initiated a survey to monitor and measure how our actions and projects have contributed to the developments of the...
Avaus – the status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland
Opening. The status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland is a report based on a development project entitled Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in...