Beniamino Borghi

Beniamino Borghi

Beniamino Borghi, choreographer, director, dancer, performer, teacher, has founded tanssiARTesaani in 2017. The aim of tanssiARTesaani dance group is to bring contemporary dance and performative arts to a wider audience and stimulate them with interactions and active...
Veera Vartiainen

Veera Vartiainen

Veera Vartiainen (VV-Machine) is a digital designer and an artist, who has been travelling and working around the world for the past decade. Having had the opportunity to connect with a variety of people and cultures has made her interested in stereotypes:...
Clara Petrozzi

Clara Petrozzi

Clara Petrozz was born in Lima, Peru and lives in Finland since 1990. Clara is a viola and violin player and pedagogue working in various schools in the metropolitan area. (Violin Teacher Diploma of the European Suzuki Association; Bachelor in Music Pedagogy with...
Alena Tereshko

Alena Tereshko

My art practice is quite diverse, as I work with performance art, video, and graphics. Often, in my artistic research I focus on a body and its representation. I am particularly interested in the intertwinement of contemporaneity and tradition, in the relation between...
Bomash Elizaveta

Bomash Elizaveta

Elizaveta (Lisa) Bomash, MA, is an aspiring cultural entrepreneur with experience in the fields of theatre, film exhibition, and event management. Among her professional interests are international and cross-cultural cooperation, sustainable financial models in the...