The core mission of Globe Art Point (GAP) is advocating cultural equity, diversity and inclusion in the arts and cultural sector in Finland. GAP also serves as an information centre and meeting point for artists, cultural workers and arts and cultural institutions in Finland.
Our focus is on Finland-based professional artists, cultural workers and cultural entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds being acknowledged and their untapped potential fully utilised. GAP, together with our stakeholders and collaborators, is dedicated to improving the existing structures and building a society free from cultural discrimination or any other form of oppression. Our goal is to create constructive and action-driven dialogues with the entire society, from local grassroots to the national level.
GAP acts as an advocate and representative of international artists residing in Finland
- We take part in cultural-political decision making and development processes in Finland.
- We actively work with the key art and culture institutions such as the ministries, universities, and foundations among others.
- We promote public discourse on the role of equity and access in the arts and culture sector.
- We contribute to building strong, organisation-based coalitions among the arts and cultural sector in order to support more inclusive legislations (funds, re-distribution, cultural status, civil rights).
- We promote good practices and dialogue to accelerate the changes within the field of arts and culture.
GAP supports professional development of artists & creatives with diverse backgrounds
- We organise advisory meetings, workshops, support groups, seminars and webinars.
- We set up networking opportunities for our members.
- We strive to normalise programmes with a high value of diversity and artistic quality.
- We are active in Nordic-Baltic and other European civil organisation networks.
GAP collects, mediates and distributes information
- We disseminate labour and field related information in the English language.
- We provide information on issues such as current happenings, grants and subsidies, taxation, open calls, surveys, art competitions et cetera.
- Mediating between international artists, cultural institutions and policy makers.
Globe Art Point ry was founded on 28.9.2016 by a group of foreign born and Finnish artists and cultural workers with the aim of promoting and supporting the status and working conditions of artists and cultural professionals with a foreign background residing in Finland. The Association’s territory is Finland. To implement its aims, GAP organises admission free training, workshops and events; disseminates information and educational materials; and acts as a cultural-political advocate. To support its activities, the association can: Organise training and events; implement surveys; receive grants, donations & wills (testaments); own real and movable property needed for its activities, implement fund-collecting or lottery with proper permission and raise funds with some other means.
The founding members of Globe Art Point ry were Circo Criollo, European Theatre collective association ry, Osuuskunta SummArt, Sivuvalo multilingual literature project, Teatteriyhdistys Metamorfoosi ry and Paola Livorsi, Marek Pluciennik and Tomi Purovaara.
Globe Art Point ry has been supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, Ministry of Education and Culture, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Culture and Leisure Division of City of Helsinki, Nordic Council, Nordic Culture Fund, Moniheli ry and Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse sr.