Open seminar at the Tampere Theatre Festival, Friday 10.8.2018
Friday 10.8.2018 at 10.15-15.30
Tampere City Library Metso, Lehmus-Hall, Pirkankatu 2
Organized by:
Association of Finnish Theatres (STEFI), Globe Art Point and Trade Union for Theatre and Media (Teme). The seminar is free of charge. The morning session will be held in English and afternoon in Finnish.
Tomi Purovaara, tomi.purovaara @ / Anne Saveljeff, savel @
The seminar is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Goethe-Institute Finnland
Note: You can watch the videos from the seminar HERE
Part I – Osa I, In English (englanniksi), moderated by Martina Marti
10.15 Opening words
David Kozma, actor-director, chairman of Globe Art Point
Maija Perho, chairman of The Association of Finnish Theatres
10.30 The Art of Representation – Political Theatre today
Necati Öziri, dramaturg, artistic director, curator
11.00 Panel Discussion
David Kozma, actor-director, chairman of Globe Art Point, Helsinki
Eirik Nilssen Brøyn, head of Det Multinorske actor´s program, Oslo
Erik Söderblom, theatre director, Espoo City Theatre
Necati Öziri, dramaturg, head of International Forum of Berliner Festspiele´s Theatertreffen (skype connection)
Pauliina Hulkko, theatre director, professor, University of Tampere
12.15 Lunch / lounas
Osa II – Part II, suomeksi (in Finnish), moderaattori Kalle Ropponrn
Ammattilaisuuden ja taiteellisen ajattelun merkitys VOS-teattereissa
klo 13.15-15.30
Miten tasa-arvoa tuodaan teattereihin johtamalla?
Tasa-arvoasiantuntija Malin Gustavsson, Ekvalita Oy
Teatterialalle koulutettu ja loistava tulevaisuus takanapäin?
Teatteriohjaaja Raija-Sinikka Rantala
Tekniikkako taiteen palveluksessa? Kuinka? Onko ammattilaisille kysyntää?
Äänisuunnittelija Janne Auvinen
Tarvitaanko lavastajaa?
Lavastaja Laura Gröndahl
Harrastaja tulee kalliilla
Teatteriohjaaja Aino Kivi
Seminaari päättyy noin klo 15.30
David Kozma is Romania-Hungarian actor and theatre director. He graduated in 2001 from Babes-Bolyai drama department. In Romania he worked as a permanent actor in the Andrei Muresanu Theatre and in the Figura Studio Theatre as well as performing in television. After moving to Finland in 2006 he has played among others in Ryhmäteatteri and in TV series and films. His latest direction was Meganin tarina by Tuomas Timonen in Valtimonteatteri in Autumn 2017. As actor his latest work is in TV serial Tarinan metsästäjät which was premiered in YLE 1 in June 2018. He established European theatre collective in 2007 and the R.E.A.D. Reading European Drama festival in 2014. David Kozma is Globe Art Point´s chairman and a board member in Finnish Actor´s Union and Arkadia -seura of the Parliament of Finland.
Eirik Nilssen Brøyn is the head of Det Multinorske actor education at Det Norske Teatret in Oslo. Educated as a director at the State theatre school in Oslo in 1988, (now Academy of theatre at Oslo national academy of arts). Worked as freelance director and playwright from 1988, at most of the theatres in Norway, writing and directing forNRK-television and directing for NRK-radio. Principal/Dean at the State theatre school in Oslo (Academy of theatre at Oslo national academy of arts) from 1997 – 2000. Head of DUS – Den unge scenen from 2003, a national project stimulating youth theatre by making new texts and concepts for young actors. Since 2012 he has worked as the Head of Det Multnorske which is an actor education organized together with Nord University.
Erik Söderblom is a theatre director from Helsinki and he works as the director in Espoo City Theatre. He has worked as a director in numerous city theatres and opera productions, as the professor of acting in Theatre Academy and as the director of Helsinki Festival and Baltic Circle Festival. Among his latest directions are Dea Loher´s Oskuld in Viirus Theatre, Mozart´s Don Giovanni by New Generation Opera, Roland Schimmelpfennig´s Den gyllene draken in Sirius Theatre as well as the stage version of J.S.Bach´s Matteus Passio In Hämeenlinna Elenia Hall.
Martina Marti is a theatre-maker and translator. Originally from Switzerland, she studied Drama and Theatre Studies in Canterbury and Paris and did an MBA with a focus on Arts Management. Along with her artistic work, she has worked as a festival programmer, an international project manager in the field of cultural mobility, as a producer and curator. Since 2006 she lives in Helsinki and works as a freelance theatre director and translator of plays. At the moment she works as a diversity trainer in Culture for all services.
Necati Öziri is a playwright and dramaturg. He studied philosophy, German studies and literature in Bochum, Istanbul, Olsztyn and Berlin. He received a scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation and taught formal logic at the Ruhr University Bochu. Öziri was dramaturg at Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin for four years and the artistic director of Studio Я until season 2016/17. His debut play Vorhaut (published by rowohlt) premiered in October 2014 at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse and his latest theatre play “Get Deutsch or Die Trying’” was staged by Sebastian Nübling at the Maxim Gorki Theatre and invited to Heidelberger Stückemarkt. Since 2017 he is head of the International Forum and co-curator of the program Shifting Perspectives at Berliner Festspiele’s Theatertreffen.
Dr. Pauliina Hulkko is a theatre director, dramaturge and artistic researcher. Her experimental performances often combine various materials and ways of expression: text, sound, music, dance, etc. Pauliina currently works as the professor of Theatre Work (acting programme) at the University of Tampere, Finland. Her research interests extend from dramaturgy and composition to performer training and performance ethics.