Welcome to the WHERE ARE WE NOW? seminar
on Thursday 16.11.2017 at 9.30-15.30 in KokoTeatteri (Hämeentie 3, 00530 Helsinki)
The seminar, organized in collaboration with Globe Art Point and Taike (Arts Promotion Centre) pursues a better understanding and awareness of our diversity inside the art and culture fields in Finland and by using a more horizontal approach, explores integration vs. accessibility and structural forms of exclusion.
Seminar language will be English.
Please registrate latest in 14.11.2017: https://goo.gl/forms/BsypJ184fRE24lBq1
9.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Opening & welcoming words
David Kozma, chairman, Globe Art Point
Marja Helander, chairperson, National Council for Mobility and Diversity in the Arts, Arts Promotion Center
What is Globe Art Point? Kemê Pellicer, project coordinator, Globe Art Point
10.30 From definitions to actions
Terminology: Why it is needed and who does it serve? Giovanna Esposito Yussif, curator-researcher
Challenging the question of integration vs. accessibility. Outi Korhonen, Accessibility Expert, Culture for All Service
11.15 Common problems derived by structural forms of exclusion in the art field
David Kozma, theater director-actor
Roxana Crisólogo, poet
Ismaila Sane, musician-pedagogue
Ndjara Rasolomanana, dancer-choreographer
Martta Tuomaala, visual arts
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Workshops (coffee served)
15.00 Conclusions: Where do we want to go?
15.30 Closing Words, Tomi Purovaara, managing director, Globe Art Point