Elma – A Digital Platform for Sustainable Development in The Live Music and Other Performing Arts Industry

Elma, a digital data bank, planning tool and community platform, was launched in autumn 2020 to provide actors in the live music industry with information, tools and support in promoting sustainable development. The development of Elma continued during 2023–2024, when new content was published on the platform and most of the content was also translated into English. In addition, the contents were expanded to serve other performing arts as well.

Key themes and contents of Elma
  • LEARNING MATERIALS – a digital information and education package on sustainability in live music.
  • RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM – a roadmap tool for building, monitoring and reporting on your own sustainability programme.
  • COMMUNITY – a forum for networking, interaction and knowledge sharing
  • CO2 CALCULATOR – a tool for measuring and monitoring the carbon footprint of your activity (currently available only in Finnish)

Elma is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which cover all aspects of sustainable development.

The platform’s information and educational materials describe and guide what the SDGs mean for the live music and other performing arts sector, and how to contribute to their realisation in one’s own work and life.

Elma is also collaborating with the recording industry. The common goal is to ensure the information and tailored tools necessary for sustainable development for this sector as well.

Live Music CO2 calculator

Elma’s CO2 calculator is currently available only in Finnish.

Elma’s calculator has been designed with the needs of the live music industry in mind. You can use it to prepare an estimate of the climate impacts of your own operations. The calculation is made on an annual basis, and you can freely choose either the activities (e.g. tours or gigs) or physical locations.

  1. In order to use Elma CO2 calculator, you’ll need to register first: Register | Elma
  2. Once registered, you can start measuring your project’s impact on the environment: Kirjaudu | Elma
Sustainability Learning Materials

Elma is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The goals cover all aspects of sustainable development. With Elma, you can learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and what they mean for the field of live music and other performing arts. For more information and reading, see the list of links and the lessons in the online courses.

Elma’s single lessons are designed with the needs of the field of live music in mind. They are also applicable to the fields of circus, dance and theatre.

The main content of the learning materials consists of four online courses, one on each of the themes of sustainable development: people, society, nature and economy. Once you have registered as an Elma user, you can access the courses in their own tabs.

Oppimateriaalit | Elma

For more information, please visit the Elma platform: Elma.