Laura Hasanen

Photo by: Laura Hasanen is a Finnish- American artist and art educator currently based in Helsinki. After receiving her BFA in 2015 from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University she worked as an educator at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Later, she went on to teach and develop arts-based curriculum in schools both in Boston and Portland, OR. She is currently pursuing her MA in Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education at Aalto University where she is exploring art education as a tool to challenge normative structures of formal learning environments. In her artistic practice she is inspired by the human body, themes of connectedness, and caring. When creating work she interested in the relationship between the body and materiality, and the spontaneous reactions that arise when working with new materials.

Fields of art

Arts, general:
Visual arts: Sculpture, Arts pedagogy, Other visual arts
Performing arts:
Special groups: Children, Youth
Other culture:





Social media

I am a visual artist and educator who is passionate about art education as a tool for change, criticality, and compassion. I am interested in the ways art education can disrupt normative and oppressive structures within formal school systems and society at large. I am also interested in bridging my educational practice with my artistic practice. I work with themes of embodiment and the body as a site of knowledge production while also exploring the body’s relationship to material.