How to make Helsinki together an inclusive and international art & culture city?

28.11.2017 | News

This seminar discusses in English of present and future of Helsinki as an international art and culture city.
City´s population gets more and more diverse. How should we work together to keep doors open to new ideas & people – to the new Finnish arts and culture? How the Finnish and international artists and organizations can work together? And what would be the next steps?
The seminar will be opened by Helsinki´s cultural director Tuula Haavisto and it is targeted to artists, cultural workers as well as to art & culture organizations.
The event is organized by Globe Art Point Helsinki in collaboration with Helsinki City Culture Division, and it will be facilitated by Kaisa Schmidt-Thome from Demos Helsinki.


9 Registration, coffee & tea

9.30 Opening words

Tomi Purovaara, managing director, Globe Art Point Helsinki

Tuula Haavisto, cultural director, Helsinki City Cultural Services


10 Artists presentations + discussions

Davide Giovanzana, artistic director, Teatteri Metamorfoosi

Alejandro Olarte, electro-acoustic musician

Ceyda Berk-Söderblom, director, MiklagardArts Oy


11.30 Lunch (self-financed)


12.30 Panel discussion

Topi Lehtipuu, managing director, Helsingin Juhlaviikot

Jussi Lehtonen, artistic director, Touring Stage of Finland´s National Theatre

Marja Sakari, intendent, Kiasma

Jenni Sainio, audience engagement, Dance House

Catia Suomalainen Pedrosa, director, Cultural Center Caisa

Paula Tuovinen, vice-rector, University of Arts


13.45 Conclusions, next steps & closing

David Kozma, chairman, Globe Art Point Helsinki


14-15 Informal discussions continue in the lobby with coffee & tea & snacks