Time: 1.9.2023, 17.00 – 18.30
Address: Nordic Culture Point, Suomenlinna B 28, 00190 Helsinki / online
Language: English

The Nordic region is known for its vibrant and progressive art scene, which often becomes a platform for addressing pressing social and political issues. This ARTIVAL Talk aims to explore how individuals and organisations in the Nordic countries effectively leverage their artistic endeavours to promote political advocacy and create meaningful societal impact.

During the event, esteemed speakers with extensive experience in the art and culture field will share their expertise and personal journeys of engaging in political advocacy. They will discuss the unique characteristics and opportunities present in the Nordic context and shed light on the methods employed to effectively communicate and mobilise support for causes.


• Hanna Kosonen – Secretary General Forum Artis ry
• Teemu Mäki – Artist / Director (theatre/film/opera), Writer, Researcher, Doctor of Fine Arts (Academy of Fine Arts Finland, 2005) and a Chairperson of the Finnish Artists’ Association and IAA Europe.
• Pauliina Valtasaari – Orchestra manager (Helsinki Philharmonic orchestra), career supervisor, MMus (doctoral public examination 6/2023)
• Moderated by Kaisa Rönkkö Director at the Arts Promotion Centre Finland


Hanna Kosonen is the Secretary General of Forum Artis, the national cooperation organ for Finnish artists’ associations. Its aims are to advance the interests of its member societies; to promote the cooperation within the various branches of art; and to foster the social and professional interests of its membership. Forum Artis represents 20 member associations and 25 000 artists.

In her role as a Secretary General, Hanna was in charge of the process when Forum Artis drew up ethical guidelines for the field of art and culture to facilitate the self-regulation of the field, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Kosonen has been working in the field of art and culture as a musician, producer, general manager of Tapiola Sinfonietta and manager of different music competitions such as The International Paulo Cello Competition. Kosonen is also the personal assistant to the conductor Hannu Lintu.


Teemu Mäki (born 14 October 1967) is a Finnish artist, theatre director and writer. He was born in Lapua, and was one of the first Finnish artists to gain a doctorate (Finnish Art Academy 2005). In 2008–2013 he was the Professor of Fine Arts in Aalto University. Before and after that he has worked as a freelancer.

As a visual artist Mäki started out as a painter, then expanded his practice to include photography, installation, performance and videos. Since his doctorate (Academy of Fine Arts, Finland, 2005) Mäki has shared his time equally between visual arts, literature, performing arts (theatre/dance/opera) and artistic research.

In recent years Mäki has concentrated on writing books and directing theatre pieces or films or pieces for radio. His most recent books are Miten olla mies tai nainen tai jotain muuta? (2021), a book of photos & texts, Poika ja pallo (2020), his fourth collection of poems, and Taiteen tehtävä (2017), a collection of essays on art and on art’s philosophical and political potential and function in society. The latter book is a sequel to the written/theoretical part of his doctoral dissertation, Näkyvä pimeys – esseitä taiteesta, filosofiasta ja politiikasta / Darkness Visible – Essays on Art, Philosophy and Politics (2005/2007).

Mäki sees himself as a moral relativist, atheist, vitalist and socialist. There seem to be certain pet themes that he keeps on returning to both in his artworks and also in his non-artistic writings and public speeches. Critique of consumer capitalism is certainly of them. Defending extreme freedom of speech is another. Demanding quick reduction of consumption of goods and natural resources in order to stop ecological catastrophe is third. Continue reading:

Kaisa Rönkkö has worked in executive and expert positions in the cultural sector for 20 years, latest as a Managing Director of Music x Media and CEO of Music Finland. She has started as director of Arts Promotion Centre Finland this year. She has a passion to deliver the message of the power of arts and culture and develop the international dialogue within culture sector.

Pauliina Valtasaari has her background as a professional violinist in symphony orchestras and
chamber music ensembles. Since her early career she has been interested in the psychosocial
aspects of musicians’ work. In recent years she has turned her attention to researching and
developing the well-being of musicians and artists at work by supervising and coaching, lecturing, consulting and writing. Pauliina has worked earlier as an advisor of artists ́ wellbeing at Arts Promotion Centre until August 2023 after which she has started working as an orchestra manager at Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra.

Pauliina Valtasaari has done her doctoral thesis about career supervision for orchestra musicians (Valtasaari 2023, The University of the Arts Helsinki). She has also studied extensively other theoretical and methodological studies like psychology and social psychology, and she has degrees in professional career supervision and cognitive short therapies. Pauliina is a president of Finnish Musicians’ Medicine Association and a board member of Organisaatiodynamiikka Finod ry.




ARTIVAL Talks are organised by IMMART, Nordic Culture Point and Globe Art Point as a part of ARTIVAL RE:CONNECT – a Nordic multilingual cultural festival taking place across the Nordic region in 2023. The festival brings a widely diverse array of actors together in a sustainable manner to co-create and reflect on issues of inclusion and belonging with exhibitions, performances, talks, workshops, recitals, and more, at a time when many of us around the globe are striving to reconnect, to ourselves, our families, and our communities in one way or another.

The Talks are a collection of live-streamed and virtual discussions, debates and conversations on the themes of ARTIVAL which places artists, the artistic process and advocacy at the center. The main aim of ARTIVAL Talks, which began in May 2023, is to facilitate gaining a clearer understanding of different processes, perspectives and viewpoints that exist in Nordic artscapes, by bringing artists, cultural workers, activists, human rights experts, public officials and civil society together to exchange ideas and share experiences of their successes (and failures), good (and bad) practices, and the opportunities (and challenges) present in the broad landscape of the Nordic arts and cultural sector.

Read about ARTIVAL at


27 May – A Call to Reconnect, Copenhagen DK
24 August – Writing Process and Practice, Helsinki, FI
1 September – Conducting Political Advocacy, Helsinki, FI
28 September – Curating Across Cultures, online
12 October – Social Sustainability, online
26 October – Art, Mobility and Migration, Helsinki, FI

All talks will be livestreamed and available for viewing after the event.

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Nordic Culture Point

Globe Art Point