by Globe Art Point | 19.12.2018 | News
IntroductionAll societies are diverse, and one of the tasks of the state is to organize this heterogeneity. In this essay, I will analyze the last 200 years of the history of Finland from the point of view of managing ethnic, linguistic and cultural plurality. The...
by Globe Art Point | 14.12.2018 | News
International Association of Art – IAA Europe releases the report on the symposium “Exhibition Remuneration Right in Europe“ took place on November 22, 2018, at the premises of the Belgian collecting society Sabam. It became clear that the issue of exhibition...
by Globe Art Point | 14.12.2018 | Open calls
OPEN CALL FOR LABORATORY AT EMMA- ESPOO MUSEUM OF MODERN ART What is Michael Jackson’s role in contemporary art today? What does Michael Jackson mean to us, what does he mean to you? How does Michael Jackson as a cultural figure relate to your art practice, to...
by Globe Art Point | 12.12.2018 | Open calls
Alexander Komlosi, Chair of Culture Current and IwIP teacher, will be teaching a course in Performative Well-Being at the University of Arts Helsinki, Open University in spring, 2019. This course includes an introductory foundation to (Inter)acting with the Inner...
by Globe Art Point | 12.12.2018 | Events
English Below KUTSU SEMINAARIIN Onko suomalainen taidekenttä monimuotoinen, avoin ja tasa-arvoinen? Taiteilijoiden ja kansanedustajien Arkadia-seura järjestää 15.1.2019 klo 16-18.30 yhteistyössä Globe Art Point ry:n, Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelun ja...